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9:46 p.m. - 2022-04-28
Few more days til Vacation!
Just a few more days until vacation and I'm flying off to the conference in Illinois! I'm so excited! I wonder what new friends I'll make and who I'll meet!!
Cassondra had texted and phoned me at work on Monday telling me how depressed she was about her divorce and that she needed another day off. Then she asked for the place I get my cosmetic work done at as she's had it with how she looks. So that night I went and bought her a card and a nice simple flower bouquet. I took it to work the next day and had some of our coworkers sign it, a sort of cheerup, we love you card to show our support. I texted her to tell her we left it for her and she seemed happy. But I don't think she receives gifts too well, Bev said she thinks she's not use to being treated nice or something. I felt like maybe I pushed boundaries but everyone said it was a good idea so I don't know.
Then another coworker came up to me on my break to tell me she keeps seeing Cassondra chasing Eric all over. She says she'll just show up in the yard parked next to him talking to him, or yesturday she showed up in this parking lot he was killing time in to talk to him. G asked Eric if there was something going on between them and he told her he'll only give her a shoulder to cry on but thats it. He lives with his gf, so I don't know..maybe Cassondra is looking for a rebound or something.
Anyway, she was all lets for sure do something when you get back from your trip, but she's been telling me she wants to do stuff then flakes on me for the past 2 years, so why should I believe her? I think she's codependent and needs attention from men, not the sort of female I need much of in my life. I need to be around people who will bring me up. Even though she is so loving and hugs on me all the time, she also dumps on me. I know she has a lot of bad things happening to her, but man she just dumps on me so much like a lot of other people at work.
I can't wait to be around other weird people like me at the conference. I need a break form all this day-to-day crap and rethink what I want to do next, where I want to be next, and what type of people I want to keep in my life.



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