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9:52 p.m. - 2022-12-18
Just Acting
Took Jo to see the play "Cinderella" this past week. It was the same production I was in when I was her age (my sister and I were both extras in that one). PCPA did a great job. The play was written in the 50's and then updated in the early 2,000's. Most of the same songs were still in it and I could sing along still remembering most of the words. They gave the set and props a bit of a steampunk vibe which I thought fit perfect! It was weird because a few of the cast members reminded me of people I knew, in fact one of the bad stepsisters reminded me a lot of the girl who played my stepsister in my Storyland production (that one I played Cinderella) from when I was 12! Going to the theatre really stirred up a lot of things in me. I chatted with Katy about it, she also misses being in plays and part of a cast. I really wish I could do that again.. I've wished that for many years now, but all my stupid jobs make that nearly impossible to do. Plus there are no small theatres around here. I loved performing in front of an audience. I loved rehearsing day after day and being so frustrated over it. I wonder if I'll get another chance to do that in this life of mine...
I'm off tomorrow (unless I fly in the morning) and then I have to do my one day of work for the other company. I'm getting really burnt out as usual this time of year. I absolutely hate driving in December because of all the assholes on the road. They come out in full force near the holidays.
Oh, surprisingly my 2023 Vespa arrived yesterday! I'm having them add a few things to it and I'll pick it up in a few weeks after I'm done with this holiday madness.



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