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12:56 p.m. - 2022-01-23
Lonely planet
Waiting to go pick up my new prescription glasses that came in.. Had our clearing Zoom meeting this morning but only Meara and Dan showed up and we ended up not clearing anything. Meara was having technical difficulties..I had some earlier too. She decided to just do a little bit of audio then cut it short to do other things..we only talked a few. I'm trying to rationalize why she told me "we don't have to just talk on Sundays" and that we can talk on the phone or text anytime in between. So I sent her an email and a few text but she only texted me once that she got them and that we'd talk really soon..and a bit about some dreams.
But now I come to realize she's just another friend like Casandra that says lets do this and that and never follows through.
I mean I think it's right to give someone the benefit of the doubt that they'll follow through with whatever they say they plan on..but then I just keep getting let down by believing them over and over and I can't set myself up for disappointment again and again. So is it better to just not trust or believe anyone and live in that kind of world? Maybe it's just safer that way even though it sucks so much. Just live totally alone and isolated, just keep the few friends I have left who haven't let me down, or if at a time they did they've apologized and totally made it up to me so that I could trust them again. I don't's just a lonely world this one...



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