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11:30 p.m. - 2023-05-02
Slumber party
Well I ended up hooking up with that other driver I mentioned in my last entry. We'd exchanged numbers and had been talking for awhile, then decided to meet up in a city halfway between us because we just wanted to (cuddle) and watch movies together. Yeah right..
Anyway, she's got a lot of emotional and mental issues I feel. She's not confident or really trusting, and puts up a strong front, but I can feel her fear and pain. I don't know if I want to pursue much of this, it seems like more than I can handle or want to right now. I mean I feel for her deep down. If it wasn't for all the walls she holds up, and her extreme mood swings she's a lot of fun to be with and someone I could really enjoy. In many ways she's child like. Like she stopped ageing at wherever her trauma got to her.
Is this the sort of person I attract?
I went and found a life couch that works with lesbians. We are about the same age and she was also married (actually she still is) and is close with her husband but they live seperate. They remain married for financial reasons which I totally get. She told me there are a lot of couples split up but still living together like roommates or co-parenting. I think this will be a good thing working with her.
I am so much a fucking empath and I really need to get a grip on that and stop letting shit in. I totally feel D's energy all up in me. It's this sort of fear and agoraphobic feeling. I tried to meditate and work on my chakras trying to clear or neutralize what I could, but I'm having a hard time of it.
Going to do another parasite cleanse since it's gonna be another full moon.



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